BITZER, stands for research, development and manufacturing of innovative compressors, condensing units and pressure vessels for refrigeration and air-conditioning applications.
Since the foundation of BITZER in 1934, the company is manufacturing quality products "made in Germany". The same quality standards are valid and strictly kept throughout all manufacturing plants belonging to the BITZER group around the world. Whenever you buy or apply BITZER products, you can count on their proverbial reliability and outstanding performance.
The company's success is based on high quality products as well as on providing full service. From the projecting phase till operation and maintenance you can take advantage from BITZER′s long time experience in the refrigeration business. Individual advise, training and comprehensive technical documentation assist you in realising even ambitious projects.
Ever since BITZER put emphasis on a sound growing strategy and world wide expansion. Therefore BITZER is not only in a very good local position but also develops to one of the largest manufacturers of refrigerant compressors for commercial and industrial applications in Europe. Having built up a global company group, BITZER also is amongst the leading suppliers on the world market for many years.
Bitzer China has three factories in Beijing during 13 years, and have branch offices in ShangHai and Guang Zhou. Because of the rapid growth, we welcome capable and competent candidates to develop Bitzer Group, about more information please visit
比泽尔集团是世界**的压缩机制造厂商,专业从事设计及制造压缩机,冷凝机组和压力容器已逾 60 年,以其高质量的产品和服务而响誉世界。比泽尔集团总部设在德国斯图加特,在全世界七十多个国家设有工厂和代表处。比泽尔集团从1994年进入中国以来,至今在北京已建有叁家工厂,在上海和广州设有分公司。因其出色的产品和服务,叁家工厂的业务得到了迅勐发展,其中活塞式压缩机的销售额近3年内增长了5倍,车用空调压缩机在中国市场占有率达85%。
基于比泽尔全球发展战略需要,比泽尔(中国)诚邀精英加盟,欢迎访问公司网页 了解比泽尔。